Oncofertility Consortium Conference
The Oncofertility Consortium Conference is held at Northwestern University each year.
Oncofertility Conference at Northwestern University 2019
The 2019 Conference, "Pediatric Oncofertility: At the Intersection of Oncology, Fertility Preservation, and Patient Care" was held November 11-13, 2019. Two students from the 2018 San Diego ROSA Academy attended the conference. In addition their posters were part of the International Poster Exhibit at the Conference.
2019 Conference Reflections
Read the student reflections regarding the Oncofertility Conference at Northwestern Medical School 2019.

Oncofertility Conference at Northwestern University 2014
The 2014 Conference, "Bench to Bedside: Oncofertility Advances in Males and Females" was held September 23-24.
Six students from the 2013 San Diego OSA Academy attended the conference. In addition their posters were part of the International Poster Exhibit at the Conference.

2014 Conference Reflections
You can read their reflections on attending the conference and see their posters
Oncofertility Conference at Northwestern University 2013
The 2013 Conference on Cancer and Fertility Around the Globe was held September 9-10.
Four students from the 2012 San Diego OSA Academy attended the conference. In addition their posters were on exhibit as part of the 50 Posters from all over the world.

2013 Conference Reflections
You can read their reflections on attending the conference and see their posters